Manduck Media is a company with over two decades of experience of Offset Printing, Digital Printing, Variable Printing, Large Format Printing, Promotional Products and Direct Mail. We have been helping customers solve problems on small and large projects and have always found a way to make the impossible possible when it comes to a timeline and a tight budget.
We have always been on the forefront of technology and strive to find ways to help our customers stand out in the mail box or by putting your very creative challenges to paper.
Manduck Media has made a huge statement in the market place thru a partnership with the leading manufacture Video Plus Print in China. The result has been the development of a very engaging product that showcases a unique blend of brand new custom electronics with high quality printed products. We create a very large selection of Video Brochures, Video Books, Video Mailers, Video Boxes, Video Packaging, Video POS systems, Video Business Cards, Audio Cards, LED Panel products and more. These marketing materials enable a strong “push to action”.
The team at Manduck Media combines high quality manufacturing of all components strategically custom designed for each specific marketing objective. MM custom manufactures all of its product solutions using the highest quality electronic components and print processes. The 2 decades of printing comes in handy when you are trying to put the most basic Video brochure into a very complicated Video Package or Video Box.